New evaluators
Looking for schedule independence? Are you a reliable, detail-oriented elevator that can provide helpful feedback to clients? Then add yourself to the list of companies you provide services to! Sign up to begin mystery shopping and auditing by clicking the “red” button below.

Current evaluators
If you’re already a mystery shopper/auditor and need to log in, click the link below to access the opportunity board. Access a variety of assignments!
A forgotten password can always be resolved with a password reset. We DO NOT have access to any private information.
SUBMISSION: invoices should be submitted by month end (of the month shop(s) were performed)
DOWNLOAD: click button below, SAVE to computer
PASSWORD: reach out to questions@cirrusmktg.com
EMAIL to: invoice@cirrusmktg.com
SUBJECT LINE: note the month shop(s) were performed
PAYMENT QUESTIONS: contact questions@cirrusmktg.com
mARCH 27, 2023:
All independent contractors providing on-site services must comply with the following:
1. Review and follow the recommendations set forth at https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/about/index.html
2. Comply with all CDC and community health guidelines currently in place.
3. If you are exhibiting flu-like or respiratory illness symptoms, such as fever, cough, sore throat, please do not proceed. Unless you’ve been tested for the COVID-19 virus and such test is negative you may continue with your assignment.
4. Inform Cirrus immediately if you’ve performed any services and have tested positive for the COVID-19 virus after the date of such assignment, including the date and time the work was performed, the location where the work was performed, and the duration of such work. Keep a detailed log of all interactions.
5. You are prohibited from resuming independent contractor services if you have tested positive for the COVID-19 virus. You may resume once cleared from a medical professional. Also if you’ve been in substantial contact with anyone that has tested positive for the COVID-19 virus within 14 days prior to providing services notify Cirrus.
Please let your Cirrus know if you have any questions about the above.
Our company NEVER sends out phishing e-mails OR conducts mystery shops involving check cashing or money transfers. If you received an email (with our name on it) asking for personal information or to send someone money…THIS IS NOT US. It’s fraudulent — DO NOT RESPOND and follow the suggestions below.
We NEVER ask shoppers to send us money. If someone posing as a representative of our company ever contacts you for personal information, sends you a check asking you to deposit it and wire money to anyone else, DO NOT RESPOND TO THE REQUESTER.
Actions to consider if you have been scammed:
Contact your local police department to file a report.
Contact the Internet Crime Complaint Center at the https://www.ic3.gov/default.aspx
Visit the MSPA website to learn more on engaging with legitimate mystery shopping companies. https://mspa-americas.org/
Cirrus Marketing Intelligence has an A+ rating with BBB (Better Business Bureau), and members of Mystery Shoppers Providers Association since inception.
Have questions?
“Be Your Own Boss” Questions? Your best resource is https://www.mspa-americas.org/
Payment Processing Questions? Please email questions@cirrusmktg.com
Invoice Submission? Click on link above to obtain a complimentary invoice (or use your own), then send to invoice@cirrusmktg.com
HAVE FUN (but that’s not a question, cause everyone can!)